wolf girl


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Wolf Girl is a girl who is also a wolf. This comic is her first essay about wolf things, and is illustrated by me, Laurel Lynn Leake, in 16 pages of pretty wolfy pencil.

At 4"x7" this lil mini fits all snug in your own paws, and it's wrapped in a full-color double-sided cover. Pretend you found it in the woods.

"Like the first issue [of Deep Forest], this isn't so much a story with a highly developed plot as it is a character study with hints of world-building. Each issue focuses on feelings like longing and a sense of joy in the moment despite the uncertainty of the future.

Wolf Girl details the first meeting between the wolf and Danna, told in black & white and lettered in a sort of first-person scrawl. As one might expect in a story featuring a single-minded wolf girl, her feelings and desires are simple and easy for her to understand: friendship, food, entertainment.

These are wonderfully subtle and restrained fantasy comics, and I only hope that she continues to do more without worrying about too much of an overarching plot or conflict." - Rob Clough, High-Low Comics